Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Brave Little Toaster presents: Odd news in the world of Beer

All that for just one beer, yep!

Just how good is a good beer? Remember the popular slogan for Klondike bars? What would you do for a Klondike bar? Well the man in the following news story proved just what he would do for a great brew. Enjoy. I just wonder which beer was it?

BAYOU GEORGE, Fla. – Authorities in the Florida Panhandle say they arrested a convenience store shoplifter who demanded to drink the 12-ounce beer he had stolen before being taken into custody.
The Bay County Sheriff's office says the man told the deputy he had recently lost his job of 13 years and wanted to drink beer. The man became combative when the deputy wouldn't let him finish it.
George R. Linthicum II was charged Wednesday with shoplifting, battery, possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams and smuggling contraband into a detention facility.
Bay County Jail officials said Thursday that Linthicum II was in jail and did not yet have an attorney.

Information from: The News Herald, http://www.newsherald.com/

Beers TheBraveLittleToaster would risk going to Jail for: (Not Really, but you know what we mean)

* Boddigtons (Review coming soon)

* Hook and Ladder Golden Ale (See review on August 1o 2009)

*Blue Moon (Review coming soon)

Beers TheSickness would risk going to Jail for:

* Hook and Ladder Golden Ale (See review on August 10 2009)

*George Killian's Irish Red (See review on August 15 2009)

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Very Special Birthday Post...

I'd like to take this post and wish all our readers to send their warmest, sincerest birthday greetings to our resident badass/Brew Master/ Lover of all things pink, TheBraveLittleToaster. His birthday was yesterday, and he turned 24. It seems like just yesterday he was wearing his training bra and stealing cases of Miller Lite from older family members. TBLT, I love you like a big brother that I never had, who frequently tries to sexually molest me. I truly hope your birthday week kicks some serious ass, and with cinco de mayo coming up, I'm sure it won't be too long before I receive a late night phone call asking me to bail you out or a call from the hospital asking me for a piece of my liver to revive you. In either case, I'll be ready and willing to pick you up, pay your bail, or donate my organs (just not my penis). You're the best, broskii.

To all the readers, I'm terribly sorry things have not been updated as frequently. Life has taken over the focus of our brilliantly lazy writers. We love you all dearly, and will eventually get around to posting our witty, perverse, informative beer reviews. Til then, keep spreading the word about our site, like TBLT spreads his incurable case of herpes (joke).

(Algebraic formula)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bring on the Pint's

ST. Patty's Day, brings out the Irish in us all

St. Patty's day is here and who the hell Care's if this year it's on a Wednesday, the pint's will still be poured, the pubs will be crowded and even the non Irish (like my myself) will celebrate.

This St. Patrick's day The Brave Little Toaster invites you to try two great refreshing Irish beers.

First up Guinness Draught.
Why should I have an ice cold Guinness this St. Patty's day?

The answer is quit simple, Guinness rocks!!! Guinness gives you a dark but milky pour that will make your lips water. This draught has a milky smooth taste from start to end, that goes great with a hearty meal as well as with a full bodied cigar. Are you not a fan of dark beers? Well you gotta try this one, it's not your average dark beer, it's thick foamy head (If poured correctly) is the perfect start to a great night.

Quick Fact - The perfect pour for a Guinness pint should take 119.50 seconds. It is the result of a double pour at a 45 degree angle. The result is a creamy head on a dark smooth beer that should be served at 6 degrees Celsius.

Guinness with a great twist. Not much of a beer drinker? Do you prefer shots? Then you have to try an Irish Car bomb, but be careful these sneak up on you after a few.

What's in an Irish Car bomb? Allow me to explain:
  • 3/4 pint of Guinness
  • 1/2 Shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  • 1/2 Shot Jameson Irish Whiskey

Now I have all the things I need, what the hell do I do with them? I'm getting there dammit.

Add the Bailey's and the Jameson to a shot glass layering the Bailey's on the bottom. Pour the Guinness into a pint glass 3/4 of the way and let it settle. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug fast. Enjoy, and get ready to call a cab.

Next up to bat from the brewers of Guinness comes Smithwick's.

OH, if its brewed by Guinness it must taste like a Guinness, right? Nope not at all. Smithwicks delivers a smooth ale taste with an amber color. It's a bit bitter but just the perfect amount and that bitterness disappears fast, but you will appreciate the fact that it was there to start with. Try one today and you will see what I mean. The Brave Little Toaster will never steer you wrong.

Quick fact - Smithwicks Irish Ale is inspired by John Smithwick's original recipe and its Ireland's oldest ale.

So no matter what you choose to drink, cheer's or how they say in Ireland, Slainte!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

St. Patty's Day -- Drink what the Irish Drink!!!

Celebrate St. Patty's Day Irish Style

As one of the most popular drinking holiday approaches the question again rises. What should I drink? BrewreviewsMIA will bring to you some of the most popular Irish beers imported to the U.S.A today in the next couple of posts so that way you know exactly what to order when the bar keep yells across the crowded pub "What will it be?"

Happy 1000th Page View

HAPPY 1000th Page View!!!

BrewreviewsMIA would like to thank all of our fans.

Beer reviewing - It's a tuff job but someone's gotta do it, mide as well be us!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dark Heineken


  • Name: Heineken Dark
  • Origin: Holland
  • Type: Dark Lager



  • Taste: Like the original Heineken, it posses a strong first taste, but unlike the original Heineken it has a great suave finish. As a Latin I can't help but notice the strong smell it has and how that smell resembles a Malta. This brew has a great dry roasted coffee like finish.
  • Color: Like Coca-Cola, or again a Malta
  • Density: Dense
  • Bottle Appearance: This bottle has an aged antique look to it. This brew is not that popular (Yet) nor do you see it commonly at your local bar and even if you find it you'd think it's a Heineken that has been in the sun for a couple of years and the label and bottle turned from green to brown.
  • Opinion: With a great and very respected name to live up to this beer past the test. This is a great dark beer. I'm sure as it becomes more available at bars, the number of fans will grow fast and steadily. This beer had big shoes to fill and it filled them well.
  • Recommended For: Dark beer fans. Also if you need Heineken to prove to you like they did to me that they can go Dark, unlike Vanilla Ice.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday - More then just an excuse to get wasted

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY -- Let us rejoice!!!

Super Bowl Sunday is finally here and what better way to enjoy this great day then to pry open/Twist off a nice cold beer, but wait there is way more to it. What should I drink? Should I do a light beer and watch the carbs? Should I go with a dark beer and risk getting bloated? Should I go Domestic or imported? Should I go for a wheat beer? Ahhh so many questions and so many answers to them. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions however consider the following.

  • Beer and Condoms are things you never wanna be stingy with or you will pay for it later.

  • If your Monday is gonna suck the next day (I know mine is) you might as well drink a quality beer that you enjoy.

  • Super Bowl Sunday only happens once a year, think of it like your birthday, or New Years. Yes its that important, its much more then the reason your gonna be late to work on Monday, or an excuse to hang with the boys.

  • Football and Beer go together like Fred and Wilma or like Taco Bell and Pepto. (Trust me on that second one)

THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER has made his decision and the beer to have this Super Bowl Sunday is ....... Drum Roll Please .......


(Posted Review, Coming Soon)

Why? You may be asking. Its quiet simple.

  1. Its an American Beer, and so is Football (Please tell me you knew that)

  2. It has a crisp, smooth, non Budweiser taste to it.

  3. Its not over filling.

  4. It has a domestic price tag.

So will the Colts win it again in South Florida, or will the Saints rise up against all odds. No matter the outcome two things are certain, It's gonna be one hell of a game, and you need a good cold beer to watch the game.

Enjoy the Game!!!

TBLT reminds you not to drink and drive, beer is to expensive to be spilling

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brews on the Road across America - McCabe's Irish Pub & Grill

The Brave Little Toaster is proud to take you inside: McCabe's Irish Pub & Grill

Quick Facts

  • Name: McCabe's Irish Pub & Grill
  • Style: Pub and Grill
  • Location : 699 5th Avenue South, Naples, FL, 34102
  • Name of Exclusive Beer: McCabe's Irish Amber Ale

Taste: A smooth, bitter, tangy yet sweet Irish Ale. This house brew offers a great easy enjoyable strong taste that is pleasant in taste and even smell. This beer is only available on draft and it was poured in a standard pint glass. This Irish ale has a captivating aroma, that teases you as you go for the gulp.

Color: Light to medium Amber

Density: Medium

Bottle Appearance: N/A only available on draft

Opinion: This is a great home brewed beer that makes me want to kiss a leprechaun and eat a giant bowl of luck charms. The fact that the bar keeper was loud and had a heavy Irish accent made this beer taste even better.

Recommended for: Fans of Smithwicks, The Irish and beer fans in the Downtown Naples, FL area.

Overall Score: 7.5

The Verdict on the Beer: This is a great beer that deserves to be mass produced. It had an uncanny taste to it that sorta wet my pants. (In the good way, not the urine way)

The Verdict on the Place: This is a kick ass Irish pub, it's a shame that it is about 2 hours away from my place. This is defiantly where I am spending St. Patrick's day this year and staying the night at the hotel right next door (Isn't Naples great). When drinking, I (TBLT) usually develop a gigantic appetite and nothing sucks more then a bar with shitty food. MacCabe's offers a diverse and full menu, and the food is delicious. It's a shame The Sickness had to sit this one out. To those of you looking for something different to do on St Patricks day, do yourself a favor take Wednesday (March 17, St Pattys day) and Thursday (March 18, to recover from the hangover) off and head to Naples for a great time at McCabe's Irish Pub and Grill.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brews on the Road across America

Coming Soon: The BraveLittleToaster presents - Brews on the Road across America

Here at BrewreviewsMIA we love beer, draft or bottle, mass produced or micro brewed, we love them all, and that's why we bring you this segment.

Many bars across America offer a home brewed beer on tap that cannot be found any where else. Many of these brews are well worthy of a review and post on our website and other's deserve to burn in hell along with those that brewed it, and we will separate the good the bad and the ugly for you!!!

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